Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What!!!??? It's August!!!

It is August again already and again I find myself saying where did the year go. I tried and was unsuccessful at consistently updating my blog yet I find myself trying again. I have lists of lots of things I want to do but somehow I don't find the time. I don't ever want to give up so instead when I am inspired-I will try again, and again, and again. 

School is about to start which is not only a start to my kids growing up more but another opportunity to start traditions, start sports, start having more fun, start exercising, start book club again...I am welcoming all of these new starts except for one. It's really just a small thing...okay I am lying-it's big-HUGE! My youngest child is starting kindergarten this year. 

I feel so conflicted about this. It seems like just the other day that I couldn't put him down because he was so clinging as a baby. It used to frustrate me and now it is one of his gifts that I love the most. He is so tender and loving. He is the only one of my kids who still tells me good morning and gives me unprompted kisses. I am really going to miss him. I am so glad that over the past 5 years I stuck it out and stayed home with him and my older daughter. There were many a time I was tempted to go get a job, I wanted an escape-some time with adults, and wanted to feel useful in another capacity besides being a mom. Now-I look back and that time has gone so quickly. I realize that they-all 3 of them were and will always be my job.

 How lucky I am. It has been my job to help teach them and mold them into the people they are and the adults that they will become. I am honored to have them call me mom. The gravity of influence that we have on them is kind of scary. They are a reflection of what I have taught them even when I didn't realize I was teaching-I hope that I have done a good job and that I can continue to learn how to be a better parent.

 I saw this  parental promise posted on Pinterest and I think this sums up the kind of parent that I want to be. Let's just hope they understand! 
Get it here!

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