Monday, March 30, 2009

March snowfall

Since we have hardly had any snow all winter last week we got a bunch. I think the final snowfall total here was right about 14". Andrew just so happened to be out of convenient-so guess who had to shovel the drive??? Our great neighbor Eric! Actually I started to shovel-the old fashion way when my next door neighbor asked if our snow blower was up and running. Andrew had taken it apart for the spring but Jody and I managed to get it put back together and even turned it on. When we took it outside-the neighbor Eric-from 4 houses down was helping another neighbor shovel her drive. He asked if he wanted me to take care of it...of course! I couldn't possibly turn down an offer like that-so I snapped a photo of our good samaritan neighbor Eric! Thanks sooooo much!

1 comment:

Pat Barrett said...

Praise the Lord for Good Samartians