Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Another month flies by...

We are in May now!
May was a crazy month for us! We finally got an offer on the house and we were able to push the closing date back until June 4th! That was a huge help because that enabled Zach to finish off the school year without the added stress of having to physically move. While at times it seemed like it we would never sell our house the timing couldn't have been more perfect. So obviously May was filled with the hustle and bustle of trying to get ready for the move. I had a garage sale to try to sell stuff and was actually quite pleased with all of the stuff we ended up getting rid of. More than the selling of stuff was the amazing company who sat with me for 2 days while I tried to get rid of it. I invited some girls to add to my garage sale since I didn't think I had enough. Thank you Carol! Only a true friend would sit in chilly weather for 2 whole days waiting for people to stop buy and peruse the stuff. Love ya for that and for the bagels...oh and the batman cape. It is being put to good use!

Andrew seemed to travel a lot this month which was actually good because I got lots of time to spend with my friends! We had a group May birthday dinner with one set of friends, I had a birthday lunch with my friend Carol, sushi dinner with friends, and even a going away/birthday party with another group.
-lucky me!
So thank you to you guys-you know who you are-you each made my last month in Colorado one to remember!

There were two other highlights of my month and my birthday didn't even hold a candle to either of them.

First there was the last book club! BooHoo-I get emotional just thinking about what a wonderful group of girls I had the pleasure of getting to know over the last year through book club. Each one of them was special and such a vital part of the book club-words cannot express my gratitude to them for everything they have been a part of this year. Thank you girls for the send off-the cards, the gift card, the books and the fun. I want to try to recognize you all!
Linda-you planted a seed and look what grew out of it-Thank you!
Kristy-you were always ready laugh and tell personal stories
Heather-you were willing to be vulnerable
Stephanie-you stuck with us even after Leslie left!
Erin-I knew I could count on you to have read the book and tell us what you thought
Katie-you showed emotion you didn't think you had
Kim-thank you for not being scared away after your first night
Lisa-you brought insightful thoughts always
Kristin-so happy to have you re-read some old ones with me and share your opinions
Amy-I valued your contributions
Carol-loved sharing lots of tears with you
Each of these girls have impacted my life and I am so so so grateful to have you each as a friend.

Well if that wasn't highlight of my month enough-the month ended with a bang too!
Yup-we did it!
Bolder Boulder 10k!!!!
Not only did I convince Andrew to join me-my brother flew in all the way from El Paso to run with us! I drug my heels for months about running in this 10k-those who know me know that I am not a runner but this was a chance to run with my friends in a final goodbye to Colorado.
So I did it with only 2 goals in mind
1. To finish in less than 1 hour and 15 minutes
2. To run the entire 6.2 miles without stopping

Well....both goals were accomplished-AND I had a blast! I didn't cross the finish line with anyone but I kept true to my goals and concentrated on accomplishing what I set out to do. Not only was it fun-I think I want to do it again. It was exhilarating to be in a mindset of finishing and then to cross that finish line! I did it and I would do it again!!!

We are getting there

Sorry again for the delayed updates but I didn't want to miss anything because at the time they were things I wanted to share!


For spring break this year-Zach got to send it skiing the slopes in Idaho with Andrew's dad and also with his cousins Jordan, Jay and Lily! Lucky kid ri
ght! In addition Zach kept busy with playing soccer for the first time in a few years. I sure do enjoy it, however, I am afraid if he insisted on being in l
ots of sports I would have to adjust my way of cheering. I think I could become one of THOSE parents by cheering and yelling on the sideline. His team did okay-I think all in all they ended up being right in the middle.

One of the main highlights of the month though by far was that my brother Josiah came home from Iraq on leave. Lucky me-I got to have my entire family around in April for a bit. My mom and Isaiah, who had just returned from Korea in March, both came to Colorado followed by my dad and Josiah. We spent our time doing lots of stuff in a short amount of time. We went to the Coors brewery, out to dinner at Lime in Denver-take note those are shots of tequila inside those limes,
opening day at the Rockies and just enjoyed having them here.

My book club had 2 fun things happen this month too. We read Beneath a Marble Sky by John Shors an author from Boulder and we had the special treat of having him calling in as a guest speaker for our book club. It was fascinating to have him tell us more about his writing process and answer all the questions we had. I think that made us all like the book even more.
In addition we got to shower our dear friend Heather with goodies for her little one. It was such a nice evening and Carol did a fabulous job of hosting.

Lastly I snapped this picture thinking of how beautiful it has been living here in Colorado and how much I will miss it!