Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas Day

We had a great Christmas this year and we were glad to have Isaiah with us. The kids were excited and Avery was amazed at all the gifts. Zach and Dad got a Wii from Granny and boy were they suprised! Even though Christmas has passed-Avery still wakes up and asks if Santa is going to put treats in her stocking. Zach left for New York the day after Christmas and had a great time visiting up there. He really lucked out this year with a Wii in Colorado and an Xbox 360 in NY! He must have been really good this year! Even Blake was having fun climbing all over the boxes and tissue paper. I love the holidays and I love watching the kids open their gifts!

More Party Pictures

As always - we had a great time!

Annual Learfield Christmas Dinner

As in the past Andrew's company has hosted

the Christmas party in style. This year we went to the Chop House in Denver and finished off the night next door at Sing Sing-a piano bar. Here are a few of the photos. My brother Isaiah came in town to spend the holidays with us and had just arrived that day! Also pictured are two of Andrew's guys from his office. Lawrence and his wife Brandy and Lance and his wife Meghan.

Tree decorating

Last year our poor tree died before Christmas so this year we waited a bit longer to get one. Each of the kids got an ornament and of course Avery's was a princess one. Here she and Dad are hanging her ornament.

Merry Christmas!

I am barely posting photos from December so bear with me! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas & are having a Happy New Year!