I know many of you have been waiting for some pictures of Blake but honestly we didn't have a bunch of great shots right after the birth. Here he is though and I will post some more shots. I think my brain is starting to function half way normal for a sleep deprived mom of 2 kids under 2! Here is Blakes little photo gallery!
I woke up on Thursday morning around 6:30 which for those of you who know me well, I don't do mornings. I had been dreaming all night that I was in labor and being at book club the night before the girls from book club were in my dream and were so excited because I was going to have the baby. At 6;30 my contractions were about 30 minutes apart and by the time I took Zach to the bus stop at 8:45 they were about 15 minutes apart and by 9:45 they were 10 minutes apart. By then Andrew decided he should come home and we should go to the hospital. I stopped by the Dr.'s office at 11am and they told me to go ahead and check in at the hospital because I was already 5 1/2 cm dialated. Once I checked into the hospital I thought that I might try to make it through labor sans an epidural since so far it seemed to be going pretty quickly, however, since I had to be on antibiotics for at least 4 hours prior to delivery they wouldn't break my water or give me pitocin...that made me change my mind pretty quickly and I said to bring on the epidural! So I had the zero drug experience from 11:30 till 1:30! At 5:50 they decided to break my water since I was at 91/2 cm and ready to deliver. After about 5 pushes Blake was born at 6:01 pm. He was perfect and beautiful. He was 7lbs and 11oz and 20 1/4 " in length. The funny thing was that I was asking to be induced on Thursday when I had been in the Dr. office on Tuesday and they said that it was too early for an elective induction and the earliest that I could be induced was on Valentines Day! They also had said that the baby seemed a little small but considering he was 10 days early...he was a perfect size! We stayed in the hospital until the following evening and then I was ready to be in my own home. We have been so blessed!