Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Zach is growing too! Zach lost his first tooth yesterday. His bottom tooth had been loose for a while. (initially brought on by a wrestling match with dad!) Anyway, the other day we noticed that even though his tooth was loose and it would be out soon, his permanent tooth was coming in behind it. He was due for a dentist appointment, so while he was at the dentist, she had him wiggle it to see if he could get it out. He got most of it, and then Dr. Kelli helped him with the rest and pulled it out. He said it didn't hurt at all and now he is awaiting the tooth fairy!

Look who is growing. Yesterday Avery turned 3 months old. She is becoming such a big girl. She smiles all the time and we also will get an occasional laugh. She likes to coo and talk with Zach who just adores her. She is 11.5 pounds, right about at the 50th percentile. She is also sleeping through the night now which has given us new life. She normally will sleep from 9:30ish to about 7:00am. Perfect since we all have to be up and moving by then too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Andrew & I just celebrated our 2nd anniversary on October 11th. We had a babysitter and were able to have a nice dinner alone without the kids! Andrew took me to a place called Roy's that had wonderful sushi & seafood. I can hardly believe that we have been married for 2 years. Time has gone by so fast yet it also seems like so much has happened. Moving around from place to place it has definitely been exciting.

Monday, October 24, 2005

We have our own website, but I never seem to update it often enough. Since my parents have their own blog, I thought I would try one as well to see if it is any easier. My hope is that I can update it more often with just a quick little paragraph instead of having to search for lots of pictures and things to write about. I can't say for sure how often we will add new posts, but I am hoping, once a week at least. With a new baby there is always something new going one with Avery or with Zach.